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Jayden is an extraordinary new virtual character project that I'm developing with my Los Angeles partner - award winning producer Elizabeth Daro

The Big Idea

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To create the first virtual teen pop star which features groundbreaking motion-capture technology enabling real time interactivity with a live audience.  (For a full description of the project, please visit our JAYDEN WEBSITE.)

In 2020, Elizabeth and I founded Elias Digital Entertainment and our Jayden proposal won a prestigious

grant from Unreal Game Engine (Epic Games), allowing us to begin development and production on Jayden

The marketability of a virtual teen character like Jayden has already been established by the success of Miku and Lil Miquela.

Our main competitive advantage is Jayden's real time interactivity, along with superior content. The project will be targeted to the Gen Z demographic - today's tweens and teens.

As a result of this vertical branding, we will be tapping numerous revenue streams, including: music, live performance and touring, holographic performance,  a TV series, software and gaming, VR and AR, and other

multi-platform opportunities.


We've currently completed our 2D artwork exploration working with a top Canadian illustrator - Arman Arkopian.  Here are some initial illustrations.

This artwork will be turned over to a live event/motion capture studio - to model and rig in 3D. 


Eventually an actor will wear a motion capture suit to trigger our character - where he will sing, dance and be interviewed in real time.

Actor/Singer/Dancer Matt Martinez

Competitive Advantages

Another competitive advantage for the Jayden project is we'll be working with some of today's best songwriters and music producers to provide material. 

The actor chosen to 'play' Jayden is Matt Martinez who has toured with Kidz Bop and had his own series on Nickelodeon.

With amazing partners already on board like industry leaders Faceware Technologies, we're all excited about the potential for this groundbreaking project

© 2020 Jeffrey Zahn

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