CATS - Early in his career, Jeff worked as a MUSICIAN in several major productions, including: "Fiddler on the Roof, Mack and Mabel, Carousel" - eventually performing on Broadway in the original production of the musical "CATS". Jeff performed in "CATS" from Day 1 of rehearsals to closing night and was part of the original company that won 7 Tonys and a Grammy for the cast album which Jeff played on.

FAMILY THEATRE - As an extension of his TV work, Jeff composed, helped develop and musically directed many live theatre tours, including: "Caillou, Arthur, Richard Scarry, . . "
These shows toured the US and internationally. Highlights include a residency of"Arthur's Lucky Pencil" at New York's legendary Radio City Music Hall and a North American tour of "Caillou". (See below production in Mexico)

PRODUCER - Jeff is the producer and helped create the hit family live show "Spookley the Square Pumpkin". It debuted at First Stages in Milwaukee and currently tours the United States. The rights are administered by MTI Theatrical tours and the show has been exploding in popularity throughout North America.
SHOWS IN DEVELOPMENT - Jeff and his team have several shows in development working with some of the top creative people in the industry.

Every day the small wooden people called Wemmicks do the same thing: stick gold stars or gray dots on one another. The talented or pretty ones--those with smooth wood and fine paint--always get stars. Others, who can do little or who have chipped paint, get ugly gray dots.
Like Punchinello.
In this heartwarming family musical based on the best-selling books of Max Lucado, Eli the woodcarver helps Punchinello understand just how special he is--no matter what other Wemmicks may think. It's a vital message for children everywhere: that regardless of how the world may see them, they are special, just the way they are.
Jeff has assembled a top creative team to bring this enchanted tale to stage. The full length musical has a finished script and 12 songs ready to go.
For more information, please visit the website "You are Special"
(Important - the PW is Max)

1924 - a young J Edgar takes control of the FBI and tries to re-invent it in his image of discipline, honor and fear.
Hoover had info to save the Rosenbergs from the electric chair, but doesn't dilvuge it. Here, Ethyl Rosenbergs has a last night with her young sons and says a final goodbye.
Martin Luther King was becoming the leader and spokesperson for the civil rights movement. So Hoover spied on him and gathered damaging info about his extra-marital affairs, while hiding his own personal secrets.
Hoover reaches the end of his life and has to wrestle with
all the ghosts past. What would he say to them, would he be penitent, have any misgivings or doubts.
J Edgar Hoover was a phenomenon. The first Director of the FBI, he remained in office for 48 years, from 1924 to his death in 1972, achieving fame and extraordinary power.
What makes his story so engaging is how is career intersected
with so many major events and personalities that shaped the 20th century.
FDR, JFK, MLK, the Cold War, The Mafia and so much more.
He also directed the bureau into secret and illegal domestic surveillance spurred on by his conservative patriotism and paranoia.
Hoover snooped on politicians, Supreme Court justices – even on presidents. He built files on writers, actors, on citizens across the spectrum who caught his malignant eye.
Hoover and the FBI waged war on homosexuals, black people and communists. Meanwhile, he had a few personal secrets that – in his era – could have destroyed him if revealed.
This musical, in collaboration with lyricist Joe Troiano explores the extraordinary life and times of J Edgar Hoover.
Enjoy some preliminary demos featuring the amazing vocals of Cris Groenendaal - star of Broadway's "Phantom of the Opera, Sunday in the Park, , Sweeny Todd, " etc. .

A 17 year boy old lives in the inner city with his single mom and young sister. His mom - a piano teacher - starts teaching him violin and it's quickly apparent he's a prodigy.
But being a violinist in the projects is not very popular. One day carrying his violin, he passes an old man who heckles him through rap. Every day he gets heckled but eventually forms a friendship with the man - who introduces the boy to hip hop music.
He falls in love with the genre and starts incorporating it into his violin playing.
Meanwhile, he's accepted into Julliard, meets a girl - and has faces some challenges and life issues.
This inspiring, unique musical was started in the early 2000's before the success of "Into the Heights" and "Hamilton" - but still has the ingredients to be an engaging successful stage play. Initial development was done with author Brian Tucker, the Roots and hip hop artist DBR.